Wanna reach your community?

We can help! We offer local businesses in Oklahoma the chance to connect with their community like never before.

how does it work?!

By using the power of Every Door Direct Marketing(EDDM), we are able/guaranteed to consistently reach high volumes of people by sending YOU directly to them.

Our process is simple. You pay for the slot you want, we work with you to get your logo to stand out, then we send it out to roughly 5,000 homes and residences in your area every month.

Usually, campaigns like this would cost thousands of dollars alone, but thanks to the shared cost of non-competing businesses in your area, you pay only a fraction of the price!

Our Services

free Ad design

With your campaign purchase, we offer a free ad design for your first campaign with up to 5 alterations before launch. If you already have a logo, great!

Targeted campaigns

Our campaigns offer you a way to get in front of roughly 5,000 homes in 30 days and around 10,000 homes in 60 days. By alternating routes every 30 days, this keeps you relevant in your community’s mind and maintains an inviting presence in your area.

24hr support

We are a locally owned business and we know that not every day is a perfect 9 to 5. That’s why we encourage you to call or text with questions, updates, or ideas you may have to make your next campaign your/the best on yet!

Choose your plan

The community card has 2 sizes available; the 4x3 for $500 and the 4x6 for $900. The card goes to roughly 5,000 different homes each month. This puts you right in front of potential customers.

We have a no-competitors allowed policy! Your business will be the only one of its kind on the card.

you matter more than ever

Let’s face it, Oklahoma is growing! Between the people from the coasts moving inland, affordability costs, and even natural disasters, people have begun flocking to the midwest in droves. This means more people moving into your community that don’t know the area and don’t know about You.

Now is the perfect opportunity to be seen by new clientele and get the chance to become their “Go-To” contact or “favorite spot” for your services.

owner and neighbor

“Hey there! My name is Preston Slack and I’ve lived in Tulsa my entire life(27 years). As a small business owner myself, I know how vital you are to making Oklahoma what it is today and I love helping small businesses thrive! Our community card brings small businesses together allowing them to market on a large scale for a fraction of the cost. “

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